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Victorian Cookery: Recipes and History

Victorian Cookery: Recipes and History
by Maggie Black
  With more than 30 recipes covering the whole range of Victorian society, this book gives a fascinating insight into the way food was prepared and enjoyed by our ancestors.
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Tripe - Some Victorian Recipes

From 'The Dictionary of Daily Wants' - 1859

TRIPE BOILED. Take six pounds of tripe - the thick is the best; boil it gently in milk for two hours. In the mean time, peel a dozen large onions, and boil them in water gently until they are done thoroughly. Add a little thickening, flour and water mixed thin, into the tripe saucepan; then serve in a soup-tureen, with the onions on the top, being careful not to mash the unions; send a little nice melted butter in butter-boat, and some nice mealy potatoes stewed.

TRIPE FORCED. Cut the tripe into small square pieces, dip them in some small beer, batter, or yolk of an egg, and fry them in good dripping till of a nice light brown; then take them out, let them drain for a minute, and serve with plain melted butter.

TRIPE FRICASSEED. Cut it into small pieces; put them into a saucepan, with as much white wine as will cover them, white pepper, shred ginger, a blade of mace, sweet herbs, and an onion. Stew it a quarter of an hour, take out the herbs and onion, and put in a little shred parsley, the juice of a lemon, half an anchovy cut small, a gill of cream, and either the yolk of an egg or a piece of butter. Season to taste, and garnish with lemon.

TRIPE PIE. Lay into the bottom of a dish some thinly-sliced cold or raw ham, then put in a layer of tripe, with the jelly adhering to it; season with pepper and salt, and add a bit of butter; fill the dish in this manner, and put in a few table spoonfuls of brown stock; cover the dish with puff paste. A beef steak may be substituted for the ham, laid into the bottom, and the dish filled up with tripe.

TRIPE ROASTED. Cut the tripe into two oblong pieces; make a forcemeat of bread-crumbs and chopped parsley, seasoned with pepper and salt, bind it with the yolk of two eggs, spread it upon the fat side of the tripe, and lay on the other fat side, then roll it very lightly, and tie it with packthread. Roast and baste it with butter. It will take one hour, or one hour and a half. Serve it with melted butter, into which put a tablespoonful of ketchup, and one of lemon pickle.

TRIPE STEWED. Tripe is prepared by tripe-sellers. Wash it in several waters; then put it into a stewpan, with some strips of bacon-fat, carrots, onions, bay-leaf, thyme, parsley, shallot or garlic, cloves, allspice whole, salt, and peppercorns; moisten it with some spoonfuls of stock and consomme, if you have any ready; add a pint of white wine. Stew gently six hours; let it cool; cut onions in slices, fry them in oil or butter with chopped parsley; add the tripe to this, and garnish with sippets of bread fried in butter.

Tripe, figure 1

TRIPE, TO CHOOSE, There are two distinct kinds of tripe, and, in choosing it, the honeycomb tripe, fig. l, will be found the best for boiling; and the thin tripe, fig. 2, the most suitable for frying.

Tripe, figure 2

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