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Victorian Cookery: Recipes and History

Victorian Cookery: Recipes and History
by Maggie Black
  With more than 30 recipes covering the whole range of Victorian society, this book gives a fascinating insight into the way food was prepared and enjoyed by our ancestors.
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Victorian Pea Recipes

From 'The Dictionary of Daily Wants' - 1859

PEAS BOILED. - Shell and wash them, then drain them in a cullender, and put them on in boiling water, with a tablespoonful of salt; boil till tender, and serve in a dish in which a piece of butter has been put. A bunch of mint is usually boiled with them. The saucepan should not be covered while peas are boiling; and immediately they are done they should be strained from the water, otherwise they will lose their colour.

PEAS PUDDING. - Take a pint of split peas and allow them to remain in water the whole night previous to their being used; then take them out and put them loosely into a cloth, so as to allow them to swell; boil them for four hours or until they are quite tender, then rub them through a cullender, so as to render them perfectly smooth; add to the pulp a lump of butter and some salt; after being well mixed, put the peas again into a cloth, tie tightly, and boil for about half an hour. This pudding is usually eaten with boiled pork or boiled beef.

PEAS STEWED. - Make a light broth and dress the peas in it for a few minutes, moistening them from time to time with hot water; then add salt and pepper, two or three onions, a little parsley and chopped lettuce; let them reduce gently, until the peas are thoroughly done; and before serving, Thicken with the yolks of two or three eggs, taking care that the mixture does not boil after the eggs have been put in, lest it should turn.

PEAS, TO PRESERVE. - Gather the peas before sunrise, shell them immediately, and throw them into boiling water ; when they have had one good boil, take them off; and when cold, spread them thinly over a wire sieve. Place the sieve for six hours over hot wood ashes, or over a very slow charcoal fire, so as to dry them gradually, and then put into bottles corking them carefully. In this way they will keep fresh till winter.

PEAS, WITH MILK AND SUGAR. - Put a quart of very young peas into water, with a piece of butter; boil them; then crush them with the hand, and let them drain in a cullender; then put them in a stewpan over a brisk fire, with a little salt, pepper, and sugar, and a small quantity of parsley; moisten from time to time with boiling water, taking care to shake them frequently; and when they are nearly dry, beat up the yolks of three eggs with some cream or good milk, and stir it weil into the stewpan, until it has become sufficiently thick.

Pea Soup Recipes

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